Man stood in front of group of people explaining outplacement services
What Are Outplacement Services And Why Do You Need Them?
August 24, 2020

Recent events have unfortunately triggered redundancies across many organisations – your business may be among them. As a result, you might have been recommended the support of ‘outplacement services’ in order to deal with the situation effectively.

However, if you’ve not used these services before, you may be wondering: what exactly are they, and do you really need them? We answer those questions here.

Types of outplacement services

Outplacement services are designed to assist employees through their redundancy, enabling them to smoothly transition to a new job. This help, advice and support is available in a few different formats:

CV and job search

This aids the outgoing team member in finding a new position. It’ll typically give guidance on the best writing practices to make their CV stand out from the rest, and methods of maximising their social media presence to make them more attractive to potential employers. This type of support can also help maintain the employee’s motivation throughout the job hunt.

Interview process

Redundant staff members can increase their chances of landing a new job with tips on both video and face-to-face interviews. These include advice on the most effective ways to prepare, and the dos and don’ts during the interview itself

Wellbeing support

Being made redundant and having to find a new job can naturally take its toll on wellbeing. Outplacement services provide support with this so that employees can build up the mental resilience to accept the situation, and be emotionally capable of re-entering the job market.


Outgoing staff can access 1-2-1 consultations with CV expert and an independent financial advisor. The former will help them to figure out their strengths, requirements and their career path; and the latter can advise on their personal finances and options for savings and investments.


Employees can also use a number of other available resources, like blogs and articles, to inform themselves about the current work landscape. If you opted to partner with Outplacement Services, for example, your outgoing team members would have the opportunity to be promoted as a candidate on social media through content such as a ‘Top Talent’ graphic.

Reasons why you may seek these services

Now that you know what outplacement services are, let’s take a look at why you should use them.

1. Support your staff

Reducing your team numbers is the last thing you want to do, and you may naturally feel a strong sense of guilt. By providing these services, you can at least feel more assured that you’re doing all you can to help outgoing employees. They’ll receive emotional support and have more confidence when leaving the company, along with an increased chance of finding a new role with the various skills and knowledge offered to them.

2. Reduce any conflict

Being told that you’re being made redundant is difficult, and some employees may not react well. You can keep any tension to an absolute minimum and get redundancy management right the first time by showing that you’re doing your very best to help. Using these services may also mean it’s less likely that legal disagreements will arise, and you’ll free up your HR team for other tasks. What’s more, those who remain in the company will see the business is effectively supporting the staff that are leaving, meaning you’re less likely to see a dip in their morale too.

3. Protect employer branding

Lastly, it’ll allow you to boost your corporate reputation. An employer who provides this type of support is instantly seen in a good light – there are companies out there who don’t offer any help at all to outgoing team members. Take the opportunity to distance yourself from these businesses by using outplacement services, and you’ll be perceived as the best un-employer possible.

Look no further than Outplacement Services for help with your team members’ redundancy journey. We provide all the support mentioned here through a series of webinars, consultations and other resources. If you’d like to know more, or want an informal chat about how we can help your outgoing employees, simply call us on 0203 805 7020.

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Get in touch


For any help or to arrange a consultation, please phone, email or fill in the form below

0203 805 7020

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