Job interview
Back To Normal? How To Boost Your In-Person Interview Confidence Again
August 25, 2021

With lockdown restrictions over, businesses ae finally able to get back to some form of normality – this includes the return to face-to-face interviews for candidates like yourself.

You might be looking for guidance on how to tackle such situations, we don’t blame you. After all, it’s been a long time since most individuals have attended an in-person interview. That’s why we wanted to share some advice on how to boost your interview confidence and prepare for meeting face-to-face. Read on to discover our top tips…

Look the part

First impressions are everything. Your physical appearance and how you present yourself is the initial thing an interviewer observes and is factored into employee selection. Online interviews flipped this on its head, but now, you’ll need to ensure you dress smartly from head to toe.

Your body language will also be on show, so be sure to sit up straight and don’t fidget. Eye contact is key, as is speaking slowly and clearly when responding to questions. Don’t forget to smile too! Interviewers like to see a bit of personality. Take this opportunity to show it off – you’ll come across as comfortable and confident.

Do your research

Nerves are a lot more obvious in person. Whilst you may not be able to avoid these completely, you can calm them by arming yourself with company knowledge. That’s why you should conduct some thorough background research ahead of time.

Visit the business’ website or social channels and familiarise yourself with its offerings and objectives. It’s a good idea to read any recent blog posts or news pieces about the company to help you gain an external perspective. Ultimately, the more information you have, the more confident you’ll feel during a face-to-face interview.

Practice your answers

Likewise, you can reduce in-person nerves if you’re equipped to handle some of the interviewer’s questions. Of course, it’s not possible to predict everything they might ask, but you can prepare answers to a few common queries. A simple Google search for ‘job interview FAQs’ goes a long way. And if you’re working with a recruitment consultancy, they’ll likely be able to provide insight into questions to expect.. From here, you can think of appropriate response.

This will give you that little extra interview confidence needed to go back to in-person meetings. Just be careful of generic answers, as you don’t want to sound like every other applicant, or like you’re reading off a script.

Think positively

As tough as it may be, it’s important to think positively before, during and after an interview takes place. It’s completely normal to worry, especially when it’s your first in-person interview in a long time, but it’s equally important to remember that they’re searching for a reason to hire you.

A simple way to achieve this is to be proactive and focus on any areas where you may lack face-to-face interview confidence. It’s a great idea to record a few practice runs on video and review them, so you can work on your points for improvement.

Seek professional guidance

If you’re currently facing redundancy and are nervous about re-entering the job market Outplacement Services are here to help. We’ll assist you on your redundancy journey, giving you the support you need to succeed.

Our team can offer guidance on building your interview confidence, perfecting your CV, or maximising your social media presence. Simply get in touch today.

Are you an employer who’s looking to assist any outgoing employees? You can also benefit from our services. Call us n 0203 805 7020 or email to find out how.



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